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VDP Prädikatsweingut - Logo

"Making wine is unique and cannot be compared to anything else. It requires a lot of passion, craftsmanship and a portion of artistic creativity."

Jan Eymael / Weingut Pfeffingen, Bad Dürkheim


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Weingut Pfeffingen in Bad Dürkheim

Pfeffingen estate

Read more about our VDP Prädikatswinery Pfeffingen in Bad Dürkheim and its history, the vineyards and much more.


wine tasting

Experience the fascination of wine at the Pfeffingen winery during a wine tasting


Mission statement

Integrated sustainability, a down-to-earth approach and a focus on quality

Gault Millau

“Heute gehört das Weingut 
Pfeffingen (...) zu den allerbesten Pfälzer Erzeugern.
Die Rieslinge betören durch den Duft reifer Aprikosen und gelber Pfirsiche. Kein anderer Betrieb kann brillantere, kristallklarere Scheureben vorstellen."
Logo Wine in Moderation

An association for responsible and sustainable handling of wine. Learn more

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Weingut Pfeffingen

Familie Eymael

Pfeffingen 2, 67098 Bad Dürkheim


+49 (0) 6322 8607

Opening hours

Mo to Fr

8.00 – 12.00 and 13.00 – 18.00


9.00 – 12.00 and 13.00 – 16.00

Price list
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