Our responsibility for the environment.
Corporate mission statement "Sustainability"
Als Winzer sind wir uns unserer Verantwortung für die Umwelt bewusst. Wir arbeiten bereits heute mit einem nachhaltigen und ganzheitlichen Anspruch, um unserer nachrückenden Generation Optionen für die Zukunft zu sichern.
Wichtig ist uns das ausgewogene Zusammenspiel zwischen Ökonomie, Ökologie und gesellschaftlicher Verantwortung.
Ziele sind auf Langfristigkeit und Nachhaltigkeit ausgelegt.

We regularly invest in the modernization of the winery, which also includes innovations in production, in the cellar and in the vineyard, for example through efficient machines.
We ensure continuous improvement of the transparent and documented operational processes.
We consistently collect business key figures for the management and control of the company.
We responsibly take care of the protection of our company and customer data.
We take measures to reduce the consumption of resources, for example through sophisticated recycling (e.g. reusability of cardboard boxes) or the use of rainwater instead of drinking water in outdoor operations.
Measures to reduce soil compaction are actively tackled, for example using equipment combinations
We promote biodiversity on the vineyards, for example through sowing, composting and greening measures.
We do without herbicides and insecticides and rely on alternative methods, such as the pheromone confusion method.
In addition to our high proportion of manual harvesting in the vineyard, we operate a minimal, natural cellar management.

Social responsibility
We offer young people an apprenticeship and support our employees through regular further training.
Our employees receive fair wages and share in the success of the company. Flexible working hours support the compatibility of work and family.
We stand for a high level of transparency and open communication in social media (e.g. Facebook and Instagram) and on site in the winery (e.g. by welcoming groups of visitors
Our social commitment in the region is diverse: for example in the form of honorary posts and work in various associations (e.g. VDP) and committees or in the protection of monuments (e.g. Roman villa on Weilberg).
We are committed to preserving our cultural landscape, for example by cultivating historically documented vineyards.
As a member of "Wine in Moderation" we support moderate wine consumption.